Incatro akoestiek artbaffle90 met licht hannen4

Gardening company Jack Hannen in Herten

Improve acoustics in the meeting room

Creative acoustic solution

Gardening company Jack Hannen in Herten suffered a lot from reverberation in their meeting room and called in Incatro.

We got to work and – inspired by the interior and in collaboration with a 'lighting designer' – came up with a creative solution.

Hoveniersbedrijf Jack Hannen
Herten (The Netherlands)
Meeting room
Deliverd products

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Poor speech intelligibility

In the meeting room, 2 or more people sit together to discuss something important, possibly supported by audiovisual means.

In a meeting room with good acoustics, the speaker is clearly understood and colleagues can listen relaxed. Once you're dealing with reverberation, the speaker needs to talk louder and listeners are more easily distracted. That makes a discussion with colleagues very tiring.

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Lots of hard materials

The meeting room at Jack Hannen is characterized by a lot of glass, metal elements and plastered walls.

Hard materials against which sound reflects. As a result, sound lingers longer in the room and reverberation occurs.

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Acoustics and interior

At Jack Hannen, the meeting room is located on a first floor, under a v-shaped roof. Two walls have windows, one wall is sloping and in front of the last one is a kitchen unit... In short, we had to solve the acoustic problem in a creative way, matching the interior.

Our advice was to hang a hanging acoustic solution, such as our ARTbaffles, above the conference table to absorb the sound at the source. As a result, sound does not reflect against the walls and ceiling and the reverberation is immediately reduced.

Incatro akoestiek artbaffle90 met licht hannen1

From acoustic solution to design lamp

Buro Formtek from Roermond inspired us. The bureau designed a cupboard and placed it as a partition between the kitchen and the meeting area.

In terms of shape and size, the acoustic panels match the Formtek furniture, creating a whole in the room.

Because the acoustic baffles hang above the conference table, there is little space left for any lighting. We then decided to integrate the light into the screens. In collaboration with 'lighting designer' Lux Workx, we placed LED lamps on the underside of three baffles for direct light. With thetwo outer baffles, LED lamps were also mounted on the top, for atmospheric lighting against the ceiling.

Would you like to know which acoustic solution is the best in your situation? Then we would be happy to provide you with a tailor-made advice.

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